Friday, November 5, 2010


They past week has been crazy.  Ayden hasn't been sleeping well lately so my sleep schedule is all meseds up.  He has done better the past few nights so hopefully that continues so that I can start getting back on s regular schedule myself.  I am very proud to say  that my little man is officially a crawler.  He still army crawls now and then but he hasn't for the past day or two!  It very exciting to get to see him do new things.  I can't wait for all this separation time from hubby to be over so that he can finally experience it as well since he missed out on most of it with our daughter.

Let's see.. Halloween was a blast.  We all dressed up with the kids which was a ton of fun and quite comical at times.  All the little girls were Fairies and Ayden was a skeleton. Dre was urkel.. needless to say he didn't need to do much for it to be the best costume for him.  I was a pin-up sailor girl per my hubbies request.  Surprisingly my costume turned out better than I thought I would.  Nicole was a ladybug and Cesar was Mario.  We took the kids trick or treating and they all made out like bandits.  After that we came home and ate dinner and let the kids run all the sugar out of their system. 

Dre and Cesar left for an underway again on Monday.Thankfully this is the last one and we are all very very anxious for it to be over so that they can finally be home for a while. On Monday, Ayden had his 9 Month checkup and was 20 pounds and almost 30 inches long.. I can't believe how long he is! Then we went to dinner with our friend Amber since she has now left us and is back home in KC with her family.  I am going to miss her alot but I do hope that everything goes well for her.    Nicole and I have both been off and on sick so this week has been interesting.  We have spend most of it at the house with the kids trying to find the motivation to get up and do some laundry and cleaning.  Today however, was a different story.  We have been cleaning just about all day. Between just cleaning up from the kids and doing laundry.. we didn't get it all finished today so we will be finishing it tomorrow after the errands we need to run in the am. 

I can't believe that we are less than a month away from being in our new home.  I am very much enjoying the time I have got to spend with my family and friends over the last 2 months but I am more than ready to finally  be settled again and get the kids back on a decent everyday schedule. We will be heading to Phoenix in 2 weeks for Thanksgiving and to spend about 10 more days with my family before we start our drive up to WA.  We were originally going to have our vehicle shipped up to WA and then fly up but plan have changed and we will now be driving.  Hopefully, everything with the drive will go well since we will have the two little ones with us.  We are just praying that the weather stays nice for us the drive up.

I am off to finish a few things before I head to bed.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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